Old Dovorian Trust

The Old Dovorian Trust, a registered charity established by Old Dovorians on 20th May 1980, is committed to advancing education and acts as the Charity Division of the Old Dovorian Club. Its mission is to support Dover College in achieving excellence for all its members.
Primarily funded by covenants, donations, and legacies from Old Dovorians, the Trust dedicates these funds to charitable endeavour’s associated with Dover College, and when appropriate, to broader educational purposes. These funds represent contributions from Old Dovorians who value their time at the college and wish to offer the same opportunities to future generations.
Founded with an initial capital of fifteen pounds, the Trust has grown substantially through bequests and gifts from Old Dovorians and friends. This growth has allowed the Trust to fulfil its original purpose: to provide financial support for educational initiatives, especially at Dover College.
In recent years, the Trust has invested in sports and musical equipment for the school and contributed to the refurbishment of boarding houses, the college’s 12th-century Refectory, and the chapel. Looking forward, the Trust plans to expand its support, improving both the educational offerings and the quality of life for students at the college.
You can support the students and your alma mater by visiting the Donations Page. Contributions of any size are welcome. While the Trust does not provide specific tax advice on charitable legacies, those considering substantial donations should consult with their accountant or solicitor.
For those interested in contributing, Covenant and Legacy forms are available via the OD Trust’s website, or donations can be made directly
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